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Copenhagen / Cycling / Environment

Nordic Revolutions – Cycling in Copenhagen

Cycling Revolution in Denmark - Nordic Horizons

Is Small Still Beautiful – Digital Notes

The  event ‘Nordic Revolutions – Cycling in Copenhagen’ was held on  Dec 4th 2012 in Committee Room 2 at the Scottish Parliament and hosted by Alison Johnstone MSP. It was organised by the Cycling Cross Party Group with Nordic Horizons

30 years ago cycling rates in Copenhagen were almost as low as they are across Scotland today. Then – something happened.

Our guest speaker for this event was Søren Arildskov Rasmussen, a member of the Danish ‘bicycle embassy’ – a small group of organizations and companies who promote bike solutions and strategy internationally. He works for public architects Gottlieb Paludan who are designing the biggest new train station in Copenhagen with innovative bicycle parking as the main attraction.

Today the Danish capital is held up as a near ideal cycling system by many – 36% of all journeys were made by bike in 2007 and 57% of cyclists said they felt safe and secure in traffic. The city’s Ecometropolis campaign aims to raise those high levels further – to 50% and 80% respectively in 2015. By contrast it’s thought only 4% of cycle journeys in Edinburgh are currently made by bike – even though the city council signed up to the Treaty of Brussels in 2009 pledging to have 15% of journeys by bicycle in 2020.

So what can Edinburgh and other Scottish cities learn from Copenhagen? As ever, we recorded Soren’s presentation and also supplied his powerpoint slides in full. Please feel free to share this material and attribute accordingly and appropriately.


The comprehensive slide presentation is below ( 16mb)

You can download Nordic Revolutions Soren Arildskov Rasmussen Presentation slides here.

121204 Nordic Revolutions Cycling in Copenhagen Soren Arildskov Rasmussen Event Notes

Dave Watson has already provided an excellent meeting report on his blog.

Transcript Resources

A comprehensive transcript of the meeting is available for download , as well.

You can download notes on CPG on cycling-Nordic Horizons joint event 4th December 2012 here.

Soundcloud Podcasts

The audio file is below and about 31mb or 50 minutes in duration

You can download and listen to Nordic Revolutions by Soren Arildskov Rasmussen here.

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