
Heating homes without gas – the Nordic way

None of Scotland’s Nordic neighbours depends on gas for heating – but 85% of homes in Scotland do. Why the big difference? How did Nordic nations jump the green heating hurdle & should Scotland fix its energy crisis by installing district heating like Sweden and Denmark – or go electric like Norway? These were some of the big climate questions tackled by Nordic Horizons speakers, in our COP26 Verdict event, held straight after COP26 in November 2021. This 50 minute podcast of the COP 26 – Nordic Verdict event tackles all these big questions with contributions from Viktoria Raft, a former energy journalist and co-founder of the gender equality network for women in energy, Kraftkvinnorna; Tore Furevik, Professor in physical oceanography at the Geophysical Institut...Read More

PODCAST: NATO membership for Finland & Sweden – the end of Baltic neutrality??

This podcast was produced after a fascinating online Nordic Horizons meeting in March 2022, eight weeks before the Swedish and Finnish premiers announced their intention to join NATO. It explores their fears about Russian intervention during the accession process when both states might be vulnerable to attack, their reasons for not originally joining NATO along with neighbours Denmark and Norway in the 1950s and fears that a change in US President might make NATO a less stable long-term bet than it currently appears. Nordic Horizons · NATO, Nordics and Russian Aggression Our speakers – 3 Nordic experts and one Scot discuss opinion polls suggesting most Swedes and Finns want to join NATO and predict whether that will happen. They consider how well Nordic non-alignment has worked for 7...Read More

Danes 1 – Fox News 0

Danes 1 – Fox News 0 – Event Details Sponsored by the Scottish Government Chair: Lesley Riddoch, Writer & Broadcaster Speaker: Dan Jorgensen MP, Danish Parliament Wednesday 30 January 18.00- 20.00 50 George Square Lecture Theatre Edinburgh University What do you expect MPs to do when a rightwing US TV station slags off their country? Well, Danish MP Dan Jorgensen decided not to get angry, but more than even. His Youtube video riposte to Fox News last year got almost forty million views online. Now he’s coming to Edinburgh to tell MSPs and a Nordic Horizons audience about Denmark’s success in appearing at the top of the Unicef Child Wellbeing Index, the UN’s World Happiness Index and lots of other international league tables for so long. What is Denmark doing right, why is C...Read More

Notes from Professor Thorvalder Gylfason – thanks to Lily Greenan

Nordic Horizons event, Scottish Parliament, 29th March 2012 From Collapse to Constitution: The Case of Iceland  Lesley Riddoch; Welcomes and intros.  Professor Thorvalder Gylfason, economist, from Reykjavik (Thor)  Christina McKelvie MSP, Convenor of European and External Affairs Committee, hosting. Welcomes everyone. Special welcome to the Ambassador and the consular guests.

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