Videos from Nordic Horizon events Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir Interview from Nordic Horizons on Vimeo. Brexit, Scotland and the EEA from Nordic Horizons on Vimeo. Electric Dreams – Norway and the future of electric cars from Nordic Horizons on Vimeo. Is the Future Arctic? from Nordic Horizons on Vimeo.
Danes 1 – Fox News 0 – Event Details Sponsored by the Scottish Government Chair: Lesley Riddoch, Writer & Broadcaster Speaker: Dan Jorgensen MP, Danish Parliament Wednesday 30 January 18.00- 20.00 50 George Square Lecture Theatre Edinburgh University What do you expect MPs to do when a rightwing US TV station slags off their country? Well, Danish MP Dan Jorgensen decided not to get angry, but more than even. His Youtube video riposte to Fox News last year got almost forty million views online. Now he’s coming to Edinburgh to tell MSPs and a Nordic Horizons audience about Denmark’s success in appearing at the top of the Unicef Child Wellbeing Index, the UN’s World Happiness Index and lots of other international league tables for so long. What is Denmark doing right, why is C...Read More
Charging Patients – managing demand for healthcare visits in Norway Date and Venue Tuesday 27 November 2018 Grassmarket Community Project 86 Candlemaker Row Edinburgh EH1 2QA Tor Ingebrigtsen is professor of clinical neuroscience at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway and senior adviser to the CEO at the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) in Tromsø, Norway. Chaired by Lesley Riddoch, writer and broadcaster Spending on health in Scotland is proportionally less than in other European nations, and our NHS is often overwhelmed. Last winter delayed discharge of elderly patients led hospitals to cancel scheduled operations and miss A&E targets. In Norway patients pay to see GPs and need referrals to A&E, and councils, which run hospitals, are charged fo...Read More
Brexit, Norway and the EEA ‘Brexit, Scotland & the EEA: The Nordic half-way house option’ Tuesday 20th March 6pm to 8pm Scottish Parliament Sponsored by Ivan McKee MSP Brexit makes it more likely Scotland will soon be negotiating its own relationship with Europe. But what will that be? Full EU membership or the expensive “halfway house” inhabited by Norway and Iceland? What’s life like in the EEA? Frustrating – since decisions and regulations are made elsewhere. But worthwhile? Christophe Hillion is professor of European Law at the universities of Leiden and Oslo and researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and at the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies. He has advised several European governments on EU legal issues. He discussed...Read More