Copenhagen Greenest City – Meeting Notes Copenhagen – the world’s greenest capital city Klaus Bondam Monday 2nd December 2013 Venue Old College, Edinburgh University Lecture Theatre 175 (far right corner of old quad opp Blackwells on South Bridge) Time 18:00 – 20:00 By 2015 Copenhagen aims to become an Ecometropolis with the best urban environment of any capital city in the world. By 2025 it aims to be the world’s first carbon neutral city. To get there, the Danes have taken policy, politics, consultation and involvement far beyond any British or Scottish council publishing regular updates to show current levels of achievement against their 2015 pledges. Copenhagen’s annual green accounts show that by 2015, 90 per cent of Copenhageners should be able to walk to a park, a...Read More
Great Green Danes – Digital Notes (L-R) Drew Ratter, Martin Mathers,Jenny Marra, Lesley Riddoch, Soren Hermansen All the material from the Great Green Danes meeting is collected here. Dave Watson from Unison is a prolific blogger and supplied these notes for the meeting from Nordic Horizons held their latest event, Great Green Danes, in the Scottish Parliament last night, hosted by Jenny Marra MSP. The subject was renewable energy in Denmark. The main speaker was Soren Hermansen from Samso, a small island with a 4000 population, but a big reputation for renewable energy. Samso energy academy attracts 6,000 visitors a year, many out of season boosting tourism as well. While Samso is rightly hailed as a community initiative, its origins are actually more ...Read More
Is Small Still Beautiful – Digital Notes The event ‘Nordic Revolutions – Cycling in Copenhagen’ was held on Dec 4th 2012 in Committee Room 2 at the Scottish Parliament and hosted by Alison Johnstone MSP. It was organised by the Cycling Cross Party Group with Nordic Horizons 30 years ago cycling rates in Copenhagen were almost as low as they are across Scotland today. Then – something happened. Our guest speaker for this event was Søren Arildskov Rasmussen, a member of the Danish ‘bicycle embassy’ – a small group of organizations and companies who promote bike solutions and strategy internationally. He works for public architects Gottlieb Paludan who are designing the biggest new train station in Copenhagen with innovative bicycle parking as the main at...Read More