
Takk for Trams

Takk for Trams – Digital Notes Wednesday 15 January 2014 Oslo –public transport Nirvana Hanne Bertnes Norli from Ruter Weds January 15th 2014 Members Restaurant, Scottish Parliament 6-8pm Hosted by Gordon Macdonald MSP Chaired by journalist and NH Director Lesley Riddoch Background Oslo, Edinburgh and Glasgow have a lot in common. The population of the Norwegian capital is 593k, Edinburgh 495k and Glasgow 598k. But Oslo transport leaves its Scottish cousins standing with 6 cross-city tram lines with 99 stops, 6 cross-city underground train lines, 60 bus lines and 6 passenger ferry lines to neighbouring towns and the peninsula of Nesodden. Car transport is not forbidden – there’s an expanding network of inner city tunnels — but it’s taxed. Drivers are charged (roughly £3) every ...Read More


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