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Cities / Copenhagen

Copenhagen Greenest City – Meeting Notes

Copenhagen Greenest City – Meeting Notes

Copenhagen Greenest City – Meeting Notes


Copenhagen – the world’s greenest capital city

Klaus Bondam

Monday 2nd
December 2013

Venue Old College,
Edinburgh University

Lecture Theatre
175 (far right corner of old quad opp Blackwells on South Bridge)

Time 18:00 – 20:00

By 2015 Copenhagen aims to become an Ecometropolis with the best urban environment of any capital city in the world. By 2025 it aims to be the world’s first carbon neutral city. To get there, the Danes have taken policy, politics, consultation and involvement far beyond any British or Scottish council publishing regular updates to show current levels of achievement against their 2015 pledges. Copenhagen’s annual green accounts show that by 2015, 90 per cent of Copenhageners should be able to walk to a park, a beach, a natural area or sea swimming pool in less than 15 minutes (now 60 per cent), 80 per cent of cyclists should feel safe cycling on city streets (now 58 per cent) and rubbish on streets should be removed within eight hours (currently 36 hours at times).

How can Copenhagen politicians adopt such challenging and specific policy goals – attainable only if the public “buys-in” and if agencies beyond direct government control drive change? And how did change begin?

In an entertaining meeting, Klaus Bondam explained it all. In a varied career Klaus has been a customs agent, computer programmer and acclaimed stage and screen actor. But switching to politics in 2005 he also became Mayor of Copenhagen’s Technical and Environment Admin­istration, devised the ambitious Ecometropolis project and spent the next six years “greening” the city. Today Copenhagen is widely acknowledged to be the international leader in sustainable living, political accountability and green travel. Since 2011 Klaus has been head of the Danish Cultural Institute in Brussels.


We have included a full set of the Powerpoint slides he used ( 50Mb) and the audio both of his presentation ( >54Mb ) and the ensuing Question and Answer session (>39 Mb ). Please feel free to enjoy and attribute the source appropriately.

Download the Copenhagen Greenest City presentation as a PDF

Tina Saaby , the City Architect for Copenhagen Presentation

As part of the ‘Copenhagen -Greenest City’ event; Tina Saaby , the City Architect for Copenhagen came to talk to the Scottish Government. Lesley Riddoch recorded her presentation.

Download and listen to the Tina Saaby Presentation


Listen to Klaus Bondam’s Presentation

Listen to the Q&A with Klaus Bondam

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